The Top 5 Best Iphone Golf Apps

I’ve hand picked the best iphone golf apps for your picking. I have found, what I think to be, the best app in each category. Golf instruction, GPS, stat tracking, the rules, and a cool live scorecard app.

The shear size of the app market makes it completely possible I overlooked a worthy application. If you’ve been using an app, or have experience with any of the following, feel free to let me know in the comments.

iphone golf apps1) Tiger Woods: My Swing
Regardless of the state of his game, Tiger has a load of golf knowledge. The app comes with complete video lessons directly from Tiger and you can see your swing side by side with Tiger’s with every club in the bag.
Tiger Woods: My Swing - Shotzoom Software

iphone golf apps2) Golfshot: Golf GPS
Hands down, the best rated Golf GPS app on the iPhone. Comes with 35,000 golf courses and no subscription or annual fee. Unlike others. You can get a variety of different yardages to any point you want. It also comes with stat tracking capabilities.
Golfshot: Golf GPS - Shotzoom Software

iphone golf apps3) USGA: The Rules of Golf
Everyone needs to know the rules, and who better to turn to than the USGA? This app completes with the complete rules of golf AND the decision book. Golf can create some tricky rulings, don’t be unprepared.
The Rules of Golf - United States Golf Association

iphone golf apps4) myGolfstats – Shot Tracking & USGA Handicap
It tracks, GIR, putts, sand saves, scrambles, driving, score and your USGA handicap. The convenience of having it easily accessible before, during, and after your round is great.
myGolfstats – Golf Shot Tracking and USGA Handicap - Sports Data Systems, Inc.

iphone golf apps 5) GameBook – Live Golf Scorecard
I know its number 5, but this one is actually my favorite. As someone who plays in a lot of two and three group “games,” this app is especially useful for heightening the pressure and keeping up with all the other plays in the mini-event.
GameBook - Live Golf Scorecard - Free Drop Innovations

It is very likely I left out a few, so feel free to leave them in the comments. The whole “best iphone golf apps” is completely objective anyways. These are what I found to be the most valuable apps for the price.

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