What Is Moment Of Inertia?

More and more often we’re seeing new golf clubs hit the market boasting about an increased moment of inertia (MOI).

So What does that mean?

I’ll quickly explain (without getting to technical).

MOI has to do with a golf club’s resistance to twisting at impact.

The HIGHER the moment of inertia, the LESS the club face will twist.

The LOWER the moment of inertia, the MORE the club face will twist.

For example, if you hit it off the toe, the force from the impact will cause the club face to twist.

The club with the highest MOI will twist the least.

An increase in MOI helps you be more accurate with your irons. Less twisting means your club face remains pointing in the direction you delivered it. Hopefully it is pointed where you intended it.

MOI is increased or decreased by adjusting the weight distribution on the club. To increase the MOI, more weight needs to be moved to the perimeter. This is why most game improvement irons are heavily perimeter weighted. The heavy perimeter weighting increases MOI which helps keep the club face square through impact.

For the technical run down, read more about Moment of Inertia here.

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