The fundamentals of the stack and tilt golf swing are often times misrepresented. I have put together this article in order to provide accurate explanation of the stack and tilt fundamentals. The contents of this post have been compiled from various articles published by Plummer and Bennett specifically (creators of the stack and tilt).
The Stack and Tilt Setup:
These are the main points of the setup.
- Get your shoulders directly over your hips
- Point your toes outward
- Put slightly more weight on your front foot
- Tuck your chin down slightly towards the ball
Getting your shoulders over the hips gets you ready for the circular turn. Pointing your toes out seems to give you a wider base for maintaining balance. I found tilting my chin down allowed it to stay stationary throughout the swing. Keeping your head still is something emphasized throughout the stack and tilt, and it is something that is contrary to what a lot of advanced golf instructors believe.
Stack and Tilt Takeaway:
The unique movements begin on the takeaway.
- Rotate your shoulders in a circle
- Get your left shoulder “underneath” your right.
- Tilt your weight and spine towards the target
- Straighten your back leg.
- Flex your front leg.
The weight shift, leg flex and leg extension all contradict traditional fundamentals. It is what most golf professionals object to first. The reason the take away is like this is to set the body up in a position that puts the bottom of the swing in front of the golf ball.
Stack and Tilt Downswing:
A well executed takeaway sets-up a downswing that bottoms out in front of the ball.
- Slide your hips to the target and tilt your spine away
- Do not move your head
- Extend body upward in order to release your hips
- Have your shoulders square at impact
The square shoulders at impact contradict Jim Hardy and the one plane swing. Hardy believes the shoulders and hips should clear the ball first, dragging the arms hands and clubs behind.
Stack and Tilt Follow Through:
- Continue to slide hips at target to extend the spine
- Extend your arms all the way to the finish
- Finish with your weight on your front foot
The key to finishing the swings shifting your hips completely through the golf ball while standing up.
The Stack and Tilt golf swing has been under a lot of fire for its unorthodox approach to teaching the golf swing. Whether you are a supporter or not, the technique has proven to both be successful and unique. Any great golf instructor would serve themselves well by taking a closer look at the ins and outs of the swing.
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